Junotrax Africa

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South Africa :+27 10 745 5951 | Botswana | +267 74 49 2674 | Swaziland | +268 7647 1345 | Asian: +86 400 666 3192

20 Stubbs street Randfontein, Johannesburg west Gauteng South Africa

November 7, 2022

Started to develop a specific testing programs


by admin

I learned that this waste product could be stabilized, reducing the potential for leachable heavy metals by 96%. Research has shown that the Construction patent pending process demonstrates that after metal extraction and recycling, any residual chemicals can be securely contained when utilized in hydraulically bound concrete products. Most innovative and successful builders and real estate enterprises in the country,.. Read more

September 27, 2022

Attention To Changes In Construction Industry


by admin

I learned that this waste product could be stabilized, reducing the potential for leachable heavy metals by 96%. Research has shown that the Construction patent pending process demonstrates that after metal extraction and recycling, any residual chemicals can be securely contained when utilized in hydraulically bound concrete products. Most innovative and successful builders and real estate enterprises in the country,.. Read more